
Global Mammal Parasite Database v. 2.0

The main website for this project can now be found at Global Mammal Parasite Database

Background and full data: In 2017 we published the Global Mammal Parasite Database version 2.0, a database of parasites that infect wild ungulates, carnivores and primates across the globe.  This version of the database contains more than 24,000 lines of data derived from  over 2700 literature sources. You should be able to download the data using the links below   If you have any trouble downloading the database from the Wiley publishing website, contact Patrick R Stephens for access (prsteph at

Full data set.

Metadata, including variable definitions.

GUI Data download: We are also now also offering a web interface that allows users to select subsets of the data for download.  Use the following links to download data for specific hosts, parasites or geographic regions:

Carnivore Data Download

Primate Data Download

Ungulate data Download

Most of the data above is from our original 2017 publication.  However, some additional primate data has been added since the database was originally published.


Ecological Database of the Worlds Insect Pathogens

David Onstad’s Ecological Database of the Worlds Insect Pathogens (EDWIP) is once again fully available. You can find a description of the database and a link to GUI download site at the link below:

Ecological Database of the World’s Insect Pathogens

This version is intended for data exploration and instructional purposes.  The taxonomy of this version was last updated October 1, 2021.  You can read more about the structure of the full data set in this EDWIP metadata file.


The full database is also  fully available for download as flat files from the insectDisease GitHub site.   Tad Dallas (Louisiana State University) is the maintainer of of this version.  Use the following citation for the updated data:

Tad Dallas, Colin Carlson, Patrick R. Stephens, Sadie Jane Ryan, David Onstad. (2021) insectDisease: programmatic access to theEcological Database ofthe World’s Insect Pathogens. EcoEvoRix published Oct. 2021. DOI 10.32942/